Train your ML model
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In this part you learn how to train an ML model in Jupyter Notebook, using the data you imported in the previous part.
You write code to train your model on this data. You save your model to a Pickle file, which you then deploy in the next part of this tutorial.
This is just one approach that you might use if you are already familiar with Jupyter Notebook. You might also train your ML model directly in Quix using live data, or data played back using the replay feature.
Install the required libraries
You now need to install some Python libraries on your system. This is the system where you are running Jupyter Notebook. If you do not have Jupyter Notebook installed, please refer to the prerequisites for this tutorial.
The following libraries are required to create the ML model and visualize your data. To install the libraries enter the following commands into a terminal on the system where you are running Jupyter Notebook:
If you get an 'Access Denied' error when installing mlflow
, try adding --user
to the install command, for example python3 -m pip install mlflow --user
. Alternatively, run the installer from an Anaconda Powershell Prompt with --user
Include required imports
To run the code in this tutorial, you need to import the installed libraries.
Add the following code to your Jupyter Notebook:
import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mlflow import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pickle import seaborn as sns from sklearn import tree from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
and ensure there are no errors. If you receive any errors, make sure you have installed the required libraries.
You have now installed all the required libraries and tested their presence using the import statements.
Preprocessing of parameters
You now need to prepare data for training by applying some transformations to the retrieved data. In this case you convert the world X coordinates into continuous values.
Run the following code in your Jupyter Notebook:
## Convert motion to continuous values
df["Motion_WorldPositionX_sin"] = df["Motion_WorldPositionX"].map(lambda x: math.sin(x))
df["Motion_WorldPositionX_cos"] = df["Motion_WorldPositionX"].map(lambda x: math.cos(x))
Convert the brake values to boolean
Braking values are fully off 0
, or fully on 1
, or somewhere in between for partial braking.
You can convert the braking value to a boolean value, using the Python round()
function. Run the following code:
The lambda function applies rounding to all braking values in the data frame.
Generate advanced brake signal for training
To train the model to predict braking 5 seconds ahead, you need to shift the braking values to 5 seconds ahead. Run the following code:
## Offset dataset and trim it
NUM_PERIODS = -round(5e9/53852065.77281786)
df["Brake_shifted_5s"] = df["Brake_bool"].shift(periods=NUM_PERIODS)
df = df.dropna(axis='rows') # clean out null values
To plot the resulting data, run the following code in your Jupyter Notebook:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plt.legend(['Shifted', 'Unshifted'])
The resulting plot is as follows:
You can see from the plot that the blue data (shifted) has been shifted 5 seconds ahead of the orange data (unshifted).
Fit, predict, and score a model
You now calculate class weighting to gain accuracy by performing class balancing:
This prints a value such as:
Training the model
In the following code snippet you run an experiment using MLflow. Notice in last three lines that each experiment is logging MLflow metrics for comparison purposes. Run the following code in your Jupyter Notebook:
model_accuracy = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
'Baseline Training Accuracy',
'Model Training Accuracy',
'Baseline Testing Accuracy',
'Model Testing Accuracy',
kfold = KFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
with mlflow.start_run():
class_weight = None
max_depth = 5
features = ["Motion_WorldPositionX_cos", "Motion_WorldPositionX_sin", "Steer", "Speed", "Gear"]
mlflow.log_param("class_weight", class_weight)
mlflow.log_param("max_depth", max_depth)
mlflow.log_param("features", features)
mlflow.log_param("model_type", "DecisionTreeClassifier")
X = df[features]
decision_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight=class_weight, max_depth=max_depth)
for train, test in kfold.split(X):
X_train = X.iloc[train]
Y_train = Y.iloc[train]
X_test = X.iloc[test]
Y_test = Y.iloc[test]
# Train model, Y_train)
Y_pred = decision_tree.predict(X_test)
# Assess accuracy
train_accuracy = round(decision_tree.score(X_train, Y_train) * 100, 2)
test_accuracy = round(decision_tree.score(X_test, Y_test) * 100, 2)
Y_baseline_zeros = np.zeros(Y_train.shape)
baseline_train_accuracy = round(accuracy_score(Y_train, Y_baseline_zeros) * 100, 2)
Y_baseline_zeros = np.zeros(Y_test.shape)
baseline_test_accuracy = round(accuracy_score(Y_test, Y_baseline_zeros) * 100, 2)
model_accuracy_i = pd.DataFrame({
"Baseline Training Accuracy": [baseline_train_accuracy],
"Model Training Accuracy": [train_accuracy],
"Baseline Testing Accuracy": [baseline_test_accuracy],
"Model Testing Accuracy": [test_accuracy]})
model_accuracy = pd.concat([model_accuracy, model_accuracy_i]).reset_index(drop=True)
mlflow.log_metric("train_accuracy", model_accuracy["Model Training Accuracy"].mean())
mlflow.log_metric("test_accuracy", model_accuracy["Model Testing Accuracy"].mean())
mlflow.log_metric("fit_quality", 1/abs(model_accuracy["Model Training Accuracy"].mean() - model_accuracy["Model Testing Accuracy"].mean()))
You can review the model accuracy of the experiment by typing the following Python into your Jupyter Notebook:
This displays data on the model accuracy:
Depth | Baseline Training Accuracy | Model Training Accuracy | Baseline Testing Accuracy | Model Testing Accuracy |
0 | 88.97 | 97.93 | 86.49 | 86.49 |
1 | 87.59 | 97.24 | 91.89 | 83.78 |
2 | 89.04 | 96.58 | 86.11 | 88.89 |
3 | 88.36 | 97.95 | 88.89 | 83.33 |
4 | 88.36 | 97.95 | 88.89 | 80.56 |
Prediction preview
You can plot the actual braking against the predicted braking using the trained model with the following code:
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharey=True, figsize=(50,8))
Running this code in your Jupyter Notebook results in the following plot:
The blue line is the predicted braking, the orange is the actual speed of the car. You can see the speed of the car slows, in correlation to the predicted braking.
Saving the model
When you are confident with the results, save the model into a Pickle file:
The Pickle file will be located in folder where Jupyter Notebook command was invoked.
To help you with managing your experiments, you can review them in MLflow:
MLflow works only on MacOS, Linux, or Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL).
To have some meaningful data, run the experiment with three different values for the max_depth
In a terminal window, run the following command to launch the MLflow server:
In the UI you can select the experiments to compare:
You can also plot metrics from experiments: