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Serialization and Deserialization

Quix Streams supports multiple serialization formats to exchange data between Kafka topics:

  • bytes
  • string
  • integer
  • double
  • json

The serialization settings are defined per-topic using these parameters of Application.topic() function:

  • key_serializer
  • value_serializer
  • key_deserializer
  • value_deserializer

By default, message values are serialized with json and message keys are serialized with bytes (i.e. passed as they are received from Kafka).

Note: The legacy quix serializer and legacy quix_events and quix_timeseries deserializers are still supported but may be deprecated in future. New stream processing applications should avoid using these 3 formats.

Configuring Serialization

To set a serializer, you may either pass a string shorthand for it, or an instance of quixstreams.models.serializers.Serializer and quixstreams.models.serializers.Deserializer directly to the Application.topic().


from quixstreams import Application
app = Application(broker_address='localhost:9092', consumer_group='consumer')
# Deserializing message values from JSON to objects and message keys as strings 
input_topic = app.topic('input', value_deserializer='json', key_deserializer='string')

# Serializing message values to JSON and message keys to bytes
output_topic = app.topic('output', value_serializer='json', key_deserializer='bytes')

Passing Serializer and Deserializer instances directly:

from quixstreams import Application
from quixstreams.models import JSONDeserializer, JSONSerializer

app = Application(broker_address='localhost:9092', consumer_group='consumer')
input_topic = app.topic('input', value_deserializer=JSONDeserializer())
output_topic = app.topic('output', value_serializer=JSONSerializer())

You can find all available serializers in quixstreams.models.serializers module.