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Apache Iceberg Sink


This is a Community connector. Test it before using in production.

To learn more about differences between Core and Community connectors, see the Community and Core Connectors page.

This sink writes batches of data to an Apache Iceberg table.
By default, the data will include the kafka message key, value, and timestamp.

Currently, supports Apache Iceberg hosted in:

  • AWS

Supported data catalogs:

  • AWS Glue

How the Iceberg Sink Works

IcebergSink is a batching sink.

It batches processed records in memory per topic partition, serializes incoming data batches into Parquet format, and appends them to the Iceberg table, updating the table schema as necessary.

How To Use Iceberg Sink

Create an instance of IcebergSink and pass it to the StreamingDataFrame.sink() method.

For the full description of expected parameters, ee the Iceberg Sink API page.

from quixstreams import Application
from import IcebergSink, AWSIcebergConfig

# Configure S3 bucket credentials  
iceberg_config = AWSIcebergConfig(
    aws_s3_uri="", aws_region="", aws_access_key_id="", aws_secret_access_key=""

# Configure the sink to write data to S3 with the AWS Glue catalog spec 
iceberg_sink = IcebergSink(

app = Application(broker_address='localhost:9092', auto_offset_reset="earliest")
topic = app.topic('sink_topic')

# Do some processing here
sdf = app.dataframe(topic=topic).print(metadata=True)

# Sink results to the IcebergSink

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Start the application

Retrying Failures

IcebergSink will retry failed commits automatically with a random delay up to 5 seconds.

Delivery Guarantees

IcebergSink provides at-least-once guarantees, and the results may contain duplicated rows of data if there were errors during processing.