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broker down


Stop the broker instance of the local pipeline and all the services depending on it

Aliases: down


quix broker down [options]


  • --directory <directory> : If specified, it will use that directory instead of the current one
  • --force : Bypass all safety checks

broker down


Stop the broker instance of the local pipeline and all the services depending on it

Aliases: down


quix broker down [options]


  • --directory <directory> : If specified, it will use that directory instead of the current one
  • --force : Bypass all safety checks

How It Works

The quix broker down command stops your local broker instance along with all the services that depend on it. When executed, it stops and removes the Docker containers defined in the compose.local.yaml file, effectively shutting down the local broker environment.

If the force option is used, the command bypasses all safety checks, allowing for an immediate shutdown without any prompts or checks.

This ensures that your local environment is cleanly stopped and all resources are freed.

Example Usage

Stopping the Local Broker with Docker Compose

To stop your local broker, use the following command:

$ quix broker down

This command stops and removes the Docker containers:

Executing 'docker compose down'

Stopping and Removing the Containers

Once the command is executed, Docker Compose will stop and remove the containers:

Container githubrepo-kafka-broker-1  Stopping
Container githubrepo-console-1  Stopping
Container githubrepo-console-1  Stopped
Container githubrepo-console-1  Removing
Container githubrepo-console-1  Removed
Container githubrepo-kafka-broker-1  Stopped
Container githubrepo-kafka-broker-1  Removing
Container githubrepo-kafka-broker-1  Removed
Network githubrepo_default  Removing
Network githubrepo_default  Removed

Reusing the pipeline broker

When there are active deployments relying on the broker, you will see a prompt:

! There are active deployments in your pipeline that rely on this broker. Proceeding will also terminate all your local
? Do you still want to continue? [y/n] (y): y

Upon confirmation, Docker Compose will stop and remove the containers:

Executing 'docker compose down'


Network githubrepo_default  Removing
Network githubrepo_default  Removed