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Using Producer & Consumer

When use Producer & Consumer

Quix Streams provide access to low-level Producer and Consumer classes.

The intended use is when StreamingDataFrame is not enough for the given application, and you need more flexibility.

For example:

  • To produce data to the Kafka topic from the file or another non-Kafka source.
  • To manually commit topic offsets.
  • To batch messages in-memory before processing them.

Producer & Consumer are essentially thin wrappers on top of the confluent_kafka library, which is used in Quix Streams.
The wrapping code adds additional logging, typing, and error handling, but the intention is to keep the methods API the same.

Using them will require more code than with StreamingDataFrame but you can implement any streaming workflows you need.

Using Consumer

There are two ways to create a Consumer object:

  1. Using Application.get_consumer() method.
    This way the Application will provide the already configured Consumer according to Application configs.
    It is a recommended way to create a Consumer.

  2. Create an instance of quixstreams.kafka.Consumer.
    This way you will need to configure the instance yourself.

See the Consumer API Docs for more details and methods.

Differences from confluent_kafka.Consumer

  • The __init__ parameters are expanded into individual params compared to confluent_kafka.Consumer which accepts a dictionary will all the parameters.
  • The "" parameter is set to False by default in order to provide at-least-once processing guarantees by default.
  • Rebalancing callbacks on_assign, on_revoke and on_lost raise Kafka errors as PartitionAssignmentError exceptions when they occur.
  • quixstreams.kafka.Consumer implements a context manager interface to gracefully close itself.


Creating a Consumer object using an Application instance and start polling the topic.

from quixstreams import Application

# Configure an Application. 
# The config params will be used for the Consumer instance too.
app = Application(

# Create a consumer and start a polling loop
with app.get_consumer() as consumer:

    while True:
        msg = consumer.poll(0.1)
        if msg is None:
        elif msg.error():
            print('Kafka error:', msg.error())

        value = msg.value()
        # Do some work with the value here ...

        # Store the offset of the processed message on the Consumer 
        # for the auto-commit mechanism.
        # It will send it to Kafka in the background.
        # Storing offset only after the message is processed enables at-least-once delivery
        # guarantees.

Using Producer

Similarly to Consumer, there are two ways to create a Producer object:

  1. Using Application.get_producer() method.
    This way the Application will provide the already configured Producer according to Application configs.
    It is a recommended way to create a Producer.

  2. Create an instance of quixstreams.kafka.Producer.
    This way you will need to configure the instance yourself.

See the Producer API Docs for more details and methods.

Differences from confluent_kafka.Producer

  • The __init__ parameters are expanded into individual params compared to confluent_kafka.Producer which accepts a dictionary will all the parameters.
  • The produce() method automatically calls .poll() to empty the internal buffer for produced messages.
    • produce() also retries BufferError in case the internal producer buffer is full.
  • quixstreams.kafka.Producer implements a context manager interface to gracefully flush itself.


Creating a Producer object using an Application instance and start producing messages.

For a more complete example, you can also read the Quickstart page.

from quixstreams import Application

# Configure an Application. 
# The config params will be used for the Consumer instance too.
app = Application(broker_address='localhost:9092')

# Create some messages to produce
messages = [
  {'key': b'key1', 'value': b'value1'},
  {'key': b'key2', 'value': b'value2'},

# Create a producer and start producing messages
with app.get_producer() as producer:
    for message in messages:
        producer.produce(topic='my-topic', key=message['key'], value=message['value'])