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Deploy your ML model


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In this part of the tutorial, you deploy the Pickle file containing your ML model to Quix. Your ML code then uses this model to predict braking in real time.

What you'll build

You'll also use the Quix Data Explorer to visualize the braking prediction in real time.

Create a transform

Ensure you are logged into Quix, then follow these steps to create a transform that uses your model:

  1. Click Code Samples in the left-hand sidebar.

  2. Filter the Code Samples by selecting Python under LANGUAGES and Transformation under PIPELINE STAGE.

  3. Locate the Event Detection item.

  4. Click Preview code in the Event Detection panel. You can browse the files to ensure you have the correct sample.

  5. Click Edit code.

  6. Change the name to Prediction Model.

  7. Ensure the input is f1-data.

  8. Leave output as hard-braking (its default value).

  9. Click Save as Application. The code is now saved to your environment.


    You can see a list of applications at any time by clicking Applications in the left-hand navigation.

Upload the model

Now you need to upload your ML model and edit your transform code to run the model.

  1. Click on Applications and select Prediction Model to display your application code.

  2. Click the Upload File icon at the top of the file list, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Upload file to application

  3. Find the Pickle file containing your ML model. It's named decision_tree_5_depth.sav and is in the same directory as your Jupyter Notebook files.


    When you click off the file, for example onto, the editor may prompt you to save the .sav file. Click Discard changes.

  4. Click in the file list (remember, do not commit changes to the model file).

Modify the transform code

You need to modify your transform code to work with the ML model in the Pickle file. In the file

  1. Add the following statements to import the required libraries:

    import pickle
    import math
  2. In the __init__ function add the following lines to load the model:

    ## Import ML model from file
    self.model = pickle.load(open('decision_tree_5_depth.sav', 'rb'))
  3. Under the __init__ function add the following new function to preprocess the data:

    ## To get the correct output, we preprocess data before we feed them to the trained model
    def preprocess(self, df):
        signal_limits = {
            "Speed": (0, 400),
            "Steer": (-1, 1),
            "Gear": (0, 8),
            "Motion_WorldPositionX": (-math.pi, math.pi),
            "Brake": (0, 1),
        def clamp(n, minn, maxn):
            return max(min(maxn, n), minn)
        for signal, limits in signal_limits.items():
            df[signal] = df[signal].map(lambda x: clamp(x, limits[0], limits[1]))
        df["Motion_WorldPositionX_sin"] = df["Motion_WorldPositionX"].map(lambda x: math.sin(x))
        df["Motion_WorldPositionX_cos"] = df["Motion_WorldPositionX"].map(lambda x: math.cos(x))
        return df
  4. Replace the on_dataframe_handler function with the following code:

    # Callback triggered for each new parameter data.
    def on_dataframe_handler(self, stream_consumer: qx.StreamConsumer, df: pd.DataFrame):
        # if no speed column, skip this record        
        if not "Speed" in df.columns:
            return df
        output_df = pd.DataFrame()
        # Preprocessing
        df = self.preprocess(df)
        features = ["Motion_WorldPositionX_cos", "Motion_WorldPositionX_sin", "Steer", "Speed", "Gear"]
        X = df[features]
        # Shift data into the future by 5 seconds. (Note that time column is in nanoseconds).
        output_df["timestamp"] = df["timestamp"].apply(lambda x: int(x) + int((5 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)))
        output_df["brake-prediction"] = self.model.predict(X)
        # Merge the original brake value into the output data frame
        output_df = pd.concat([df[["timestamp", "Brake"]], output_df]).sort_values("timestamp", ascending=True)
        self.producer_stream.timeseries.buffer.publish(output_df)  # Send filtered data to output topic
  5. Commit your changes to the file by clicking Commit or using Ctrl+S or Cmd+S.

Update the requirements.txt file

Click on the requirements.txt file and add scikit-learn on a new line. Commit your change.


You have edited the code to load and run the model.

Run the code

The simplest way to run the code is to click the Run button in the top right-hand corner.

This will install any dependencies into a sandboxed environment and then run the code.

The output console displays the result of the prediction.

In the next few steps you deploy the code and then see a visualization of the output.


To deploy your transform:

  1. Click Stop if you haven't already done so.

  2. To deploy the code, click Deploy.

  3. In the dialog that appears click Deploy.

Once the code has built, it is started automatically.


Your code is now running in a production-ready ecosystem.

Visualize your data

To see the output of your model in real time you can use the Data Explorer. To use the Data Explorer:

  1. Click the Data Explorer button on the left-hand sidebar.

  2. If it's not already selected click the Live data tab at the top.

  3. Ensure the hard-braking topic is selected from the Select a topic dropdown list.

  4. Select a stream (you should only have one).

  5. Select brake-prediction and brake from the parameters list.

You now see a graphical output for the prediction being output by the model as well as the actual brake value, as illustrated in the following screenshot

Data explorer


Don't forget the purpose of this tutorial was to show you how to deploy an ML model in Quix, rather than to train an accurate model. So the prediction may not always match the actual brake value.

Conclusion and next steps