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Training data


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Quix gives you the freedom to train the ML model your own way. If you already have tools and processes for doing that then you can train the model and use it in Quix where you can run it in real-time.

Follow along and learn how to retrieve historical data from your topics, so you can train your model.

Limited data set

You've already read about the limitations of the free Visual Crossing API. Namely, that it only enables requests for new data 1000 times per day and so the Quix Code Sample only requests data very 2 minutes, therefore at this point in the tutorial you may have a limited data set.

Continue following the tutorial to see how to access the accumulated historical data, however, after a few hours you will have more data to examine at which time you can repeat the steps again.

Get the data

To access historical data:

  1. Click Persisted data in the left-hand navigation.

  2. Select the bikes-topic in the left-hand panel.

  3. Mouse over a stream name in the table and click the Visualize stream icon.

    The page will navigate to the Data explorer.

  4. You will see one of two scenarios represented in the query builder on the left-hand side.

    Select the tab most applicable to what you see:

    If you see a prepopulated query builder:

    Populated query builder

    Follow these steps:

    1. Select the + under SELECT (Parameters & Events).

    2. Select total_num_bikes_available from the list.

    3. Again select the + under SELECT (Parameters & Events).

    4. Select num_docks_available from the list.

    If you see an empty query builder:

    Un-populated query builder

    Follow these steps:

    1. Click Add Query.

    2. Select bikes-topic under From topic.

    3. Select the New York Total Bikes Real Time stream.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Select both parameters, that is both num_docks_available and total_num_bikes_available.

    6. Click Done.

    Whichever options you used, you should be looking at a visualization of the two selected parameters:

    Data explorer

    Note that your data won't look the same as ours, so don't be concerned if they aren't identical.

  5. Switch off aggregation to see all of the data.

  6. Select the Code tab to view the code to access this data set from outside of Quix.

    Data explorer settings


    You can copy and paste this code into a Jupyter Notebook or Google Colab Notebook and run it to get your data there.

    Collab Notebook

Train the model

At this point, you are collecting historical data and you know how to query it for use outside Quix to train your ML models.

Need help training a model?

Follow our "How to train an ML model" tutorial here

You are walked through the process of getting the code to access the data (as described above), running the code in a Jupyter notebook, training the model and uploading your pickle file to Quix.

It would take several weeks to accumulate enough historical data to train a model, so you will continue the tutorial with some pre-trained models already built by the Quix team. This was done using the very same data flow you've just built. You can find the Jupyter notebook code used to train the model in the Quix GitHub repo.

Part 5 - Run the model