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Ingest data

In this part of the tour you'll get some data flowing into your pipeline. You do this by reading CPU load on your service and publishing it to a topic.

Step 1: Sign up to Quix Cloud

It's free to sign up to Quix Cloud.

After signing up using the method of your choice, you'll be taken to the Welcome to Quix dialog, where you can create a new project, as shown in the next step.

Step 2: Create your first project

You're now ready to create your first project.

  1. Give your project a suitable name, such as "Quix Cloud Tour".
  2. Select the Quix advanced configuration option.
  3. Click Let's get started.
  4. Select Quix managed Git.
  5. Click Create project.
  6. Now create an environment. Enter an environment name of "PRODUCTION".
  7. Make sure the main branch is selected.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Select the Quix managed broker (which is the default option).
  10. Click Create environment. After the environment is fully created you are taken to your pipeline view.

Step 3: Create a source

To create a source:

  1. Click on your environment to be taken to its pipeline view.
  2. Click Code samples on the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Click Starter Source and then click Save to your repo. You can leave the default name and path.
  4. You are taken to the code view.

Step 4: Write your code

Replace the code in with the following:

import psutil, time, os, json
from quixstreams import Application

app = Application()

output_topic = app.topic(os.environ["output"])

def get_cpu_load():
    cpu_load = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
    memory = psutil.swap_memory()
    return {
        "cpu_load": cpu_load,
        "memory": memory._asdict(),
        "timestamp": int(time.time_ns()),

def main():
    # Create a Producer to send data to the topic
    with app.get_producer() as producer:
        while True:                
            # Get the current CPU and memory usage
            message = get_cpu_load()
            print("CPU load: ", message["cpu_load"])

            # Produce message to the topic

if __name__ == '__main__':

Commit your changes.

Step 5: Set the output topic

To set the output topic to which you publish data:

  1. Click your output variable edit menu and select Edit variable.

    Edit variable

    The Edit Variable dialog is displayed.

  2. Click new topic to display the New topic dialog. Enter a Name of cpu-load and then click Create.

Step 6: Modify requirements.txt

Edit the requirements.txt to make sure it includes psutil. Your file should be similar to the following:


Commit your changes.

Step 7: Run your code

Run your code by clicking the Run button. Make sure there are no errors. After a moment the CPU load of your service is displayed.

Step 8: Deploy your code

First, tag your code as ingest-v1 by clicking the tag button:

Tag button

Now, click the Deploy button, and Deploy again to deploy the service to your pipeline.

Step 9: Examine the messages

In the deployments view, click on the Messages tab. There is only one topic for this service, so the output topic cpu-load is selected by default.

Click on any message to see the JSON of the message:

Messages tab

Note the real-time stream of messages is no longer updated in real time. To resume real-time display of messages, click the play button.

🏃‍♀️ Next step

Process your data