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Quix Environment Source

This project provides a ready-to-use solution for mirroring data from one Quix environment to another. It is ideal for replicating production data into development environments for testing, analysis, or debugging purposes.

How to run

  1. Create a Quix account or log in if you already have one.
  2. Navigate to the project samples and deploy this project directly to your environment by clicking Deploy.
  3. After deployment, configure the necessary environment variables as outlined below.
  4. You can also fork this project to your own GitHub repository for customization by clicking Edit code before deployment.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are required for this project:

  • topic: The Quix topic that will be mirrored from the source environment.
  • source_workspace_id: The workspace ID of the Quix environment you are mirroring from.
  • source_sdk_token: The SDK token to authenticate access to the source environment.
  • consumer_group: (Optional) The Kafka consumer group used by the source environment. Defaults to quix_environment_source.
  • auto_offset_reset: (Optional) Specifies the offset reset policy when starting a new consumer group. Defaults to earliest.

How it works

This project enables seamless data streaming from one Quix environment to another by utilizing the QuixEnvironmentSource to read data from the source environment's Kafka topic and publish it to a designated output topic.

The script is designed to run in your Quix environment, leveraging environment variables for configuration to ensure that data flows smoothly between workspaces.


You are encouraged to submit forked versions of this project to the Quix GitHub repository. If accepted, you'll be credited with $200 in Quix credits.

Open Source

This project is open source under the Apache 2.0 license. Check it out on GitHub and feel free to star us or mention us on social media to show your support.